
Where are you?

I saw the cat skiing, but didn't see you…
I saw the dog surfing, but didn't see you…
I saw the snow in Summer, but didn't see you…
I saw the blossom in Winter, but didn't see you…
I saw the dragon flying, but didn't see you...
I saw the pig netting, but still haven't seen you…

I have met all the unusual things,
but got no chance to meet the virtual you…


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Anonymous Anonymous said...


Simple , honesty and touched ... the three things that comes to mind when I saw this page .Truthfully , I am speechlessly impressed by the originality in it all yet sadden by what it seems ... a lost hope .Well life goes on as it should and it does.... at least til that virtual you appears ,and YOU , my Princess , will carry on to be the most gentle and beautiful person ever to fly with this carpet of love that you've created for this world !Thank you for these wonderful piece and forget not , u still have me ya...ya !

7:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

nice poem! very eerie but nice! haha...

6:34 PM  
Blogger hsiao-ann said...

To Anonymous, wowwww...what a great comment. I'm really flattered. ha-ha. Welcome back to my pasture and enjoy my writings anytime!

To Eddy, yeah...it's weird, but it came directly from my true heart. hope you like it!


12:41 AM  

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