
Congratulations Chaco!

After 33 years finally met your girl and settled down! I'm so happy for you. As your best friend I know you will definitely be a great husband and devoting your love to your family. Your lovely bride would be the happiest wife of the world! Looking forward to seeing 'little Chaco' soon~

By the way, thanks for the red envelope, it's really my pleasure to give you a hand. You know I'm always here for you. Just ask if you need any help! And thanks for the bouquet which is my second time getting it, hope next time would be my turn. Ha-ha

I'd like to order you the song, which is sung by Chang-yu. Although it was an old song, I was so touched each time while I listened to it. It said everything about the marriage. Hope you two would like it as me. Here are the lyrics sharing with you.

詞:十一郎 曲:張宇

他將是妳的新郎 從今以後他就是妳一生的伴
他的一切都將和妳緊密相關 福和禍都要同當
她將是你的新娘 她是別人用心託付在你手上
你要用你一生加倍照顧對待 苦或喜都要同享
一定是特別的緣份 才可以一路走來變成了一家人
他多愛妳幾分 妳多還他幾分找幸福的可能
從此不再是一個人 要處處時時想著念的都是"我們"
你付出了幾分 愛就圓滿了幾分